Chicos, esta semana tenéis que estudiar los verbos "llamarse", "ser", "hablar" y "tener".
Guys, this week you have to study the verbs "to be called", "to be", "to speak" and "to have".
Para practicar los verbos podéis usar los juegos de Tinycards.
To practice the verbs you can use the games of Tinycards.
Aquí tenéis los enlaces para practicar:
Here you have the links to practice:
Ser (to be): https://tiny.cards/decks/6m4ZESdu/ser-to-be-presente
Llamarse (to be called): https://tiny.cards/decks/3ruAVChA/llamarse-to-be-called-verbo-reflexivo
Hablar (to speak): https://tiny.cards/decks/45VyZCKQ/hablar-to-speak-presente-regular
Tener (to have): https://tiny.cards/decks/3xvm6mNS/tener-to-have-presente
Si lo preferís, también podéis usar esta tabla para estudiar los verbos.
If you prefer, you also can use this table to study the verbs.
Guys, next week we will do activities with these verbs.